Saturday, July 21, 2012

Greetings geeks!  I am here to clog your blog.  So let's jump right in, shall we?

Odds are, you're a superhero fan.  Am I right?  Good!  So am I!  Who knew we would have so much in common?  Recently we've had a resurgence of superhero movies.  The good, the great... and then there's the...well, not so good.  Talking about the good and great is boring.  So!  To the bad we go.  In fact, I'm gonna give you the Top 5.  My Top 5.  The Top 5 worst superhero/villain...ACTORS!  I expect some disagreement.  ;)  I won't go into a long drawn out reason as to why these are picked, but if you'd really like to know, send me a line.  I'm always open for a lively discussion.  And here...we...go.

Number 5:
The ENTIRE cast of the Fantastic Four.
The only thing that could be more embarrassing than actually having watched this movie?  Having been in it.

Number 4:
Kelsey Grammer as Beast.  X-Men's biggest fault?  Making this third film.  Sorry Frasier.  Wrong place at the wrong time.

Number 3:
Danny Devito as The Penguin.  Mm-hm.  Nothing like a raw fish eating, nose biting, black drool slobbering, freak show of a penguin.  I always thought he was more of a high-class, socialite type villain.  But hey!  What do I know?

Number 2:
Ben Affleck as Daredevil.  I will give you a reason here.  My reason?'s Ben Affleck.

Number 1:
There is no other choice for the number one position.  The fact that this actor himself hates this movie and the role he played, speaks volumes.  The entire movie was laced with puns, cheesy dialogue, flimsy plot lines, frosted codpieces and bat-nipples.  The fact that this film didn't completely kill the franchise AND this actors career, is a miracle in itself.  So, ladies and gentlemen, here he is in all his bat-glory.  George Clooney as Batman.

So there we go geeks and geekettes!  It's a quick introductory blog, but I hope you enjoyed it and I look forward to continue cloggin' your blog!


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