Sunday, July 29, 2012

Greetings geeks, geekettes and geeklings!  I'm back to clog your blog.  You know, whenever my blog is clogged, it usually ends up being because of a big clump of wet lint and hair.  Gross.

Recently at comic-con, Kevin Eastman, the co-creator of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, sat down to an interview to discuss the upcoming Michael Bay reboot of the Turtles on the big screen.  Now, you all know Michael Bay.  He's the director of such films as the Transformers trilogy, Pearl Harbor, Armageddon, The Rock, The Island, Bad Boys 1 & 2, and Playboy Video Centerfold: Kerri Kendall.  But once it was announced that he had gotten his over-the-top exploding hands on the Turtles, the outcry from the fans was not positive.  For one simple reason; aliens.  That's right.  Mr. Bay is looking to change the origin of those pizza guzzling, foot soldier beating, sewer crawling shell backs to aliens from a distant planet.

In 1984, Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird introduced the world to the Turtles.  Four mutated turtles, raised in the sewers of New York and trained in ninjutsu by their rat sensei, Splinter.  All named after great Renaissance artists, Leonardo, Donatello, Raphael and Michelangelo fight to keep the city safe from thugs, war lords and alien invaders.  For almost 30 years, the Turtles have embedded themselves into the public consciousness through action figures, comics, cartoons, movies and even live-action stage shows.  So you can imagine, that through those 30 years, a generation or two of geeks and fans have grown a fondness for these characters and hold onto childhood memories of these heroes with a vice-like grip.  And now Michael Bay wants to alter the very core of what the Turtles are?!  Blasphemy!  Or is it?

Kevin Eastman had said that from what he has seen, this upcoming Michael Bay film, is easily "the best Turtle movie yet."  With CGI comparable to the newest Planet of the Apes film and fighting scenes reminiscent of The Raid: Redemption and Fist of Legend. Now I'll admit, when I first heard about this film, I was hesitant.  But then I started thinking.  What really made me a fan of the Turtles?  Was it the fact that they were teenagers?  Growing up, I never really thought of them as teenagers and I never really connected with the whole idea of "trying to fit in" and the awkwardness of those years.  The Turtles were never really like that in my mind, so I always saw them as more adult then teenager anyway.  So what about the whole "mutant" aspect of things?  Let's keep in mind, that these are walking, talking, five foot tall turtles that wear masks and fight like ninjas.  If I ever saw one in real life, my first thought would most likely be that they were from another planet.  The fact that their origin story is based here on Earth, again, was not something that I really connected with.  Because when it all comes down to it, I watched and read the Turtles for the action.  I mean, how many in my generation got into martial arts because of those turtles?  I know I did.  So the fact that Michael Bay wants to bring them in from space, doesn't really bother me.  Because after they land on Earth, learn ninjutsu, and get a taste for pizza, what does the "origin" have to do with the story anymore?  The focus then becomes on brotherhood, family, friends, overcoming adversity, and responsibility.  I mean, how often do you remember that Superman is actually an alien or that Batman's parents were murdered?  Occasionally that might come up, but more often than not, you are engrossed in the story for how they will overcome this villain or what gadget or super-power will be used and how cool that is.  And with the Turtles, you want to see lightning fast kicks, whirling katana blades, a flash of a sai and watching the baddies get a ninja butt-kickin'.

So I say, and I know I'm in the minority here, give it a chance.  Because when it all comes down it, whether they were covered with ooze (which by the way is alien in nature), or whether they're from the planet Turtltopia from the Turtltron system, the fact is, there will be fast paced ninja action, humor and brotherhood which I believe is what ingratiated the Turtles into our consciousness in the first place. 

Until next time, take it easy and have a great one!

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Hey geeks!  It is I back again to do some blog cloggin'.  Actually, my sister used to be in clogging.  What a weird form of dance that is.  Anyway!  Have you seen The Dark Knight Rises yet?  Of course you have, right?  Good stuff and a great end to Chris Nolan's Trilogy.  How long do you think it will be before we see another Bat-movie hit the big screen?  Or will it be a small screen version?  I guess we'll wait and see!

So anyway.  The other day I was going through some stuff and I found my ORIGINAL NES system.  Remember those?
Ahhh, those were the days.  That system was released back in 1985!  That's right, way before you were born most likely.  Me?  I was 7.  Unfortunately, I never owned one until I bought it myself off eBay.  But I did play it as a kid.  I mean, who didn't?  It introduced us to the Mario Bros. and really brought home gaming systems to the masses.  But for me, whenever my younger brother and I wanted to play it, we'd call up our sister's friend and borrow hers.  So I thought I'd give you the rundown of some of those games that kept us entertained for hours and gave us a Nintendo thumb like you wouldn't believe!  For me, these were my favorites...

This was an early RPG released in 1989.  You played an unnamed wanderer that is returning home to Eolis to find it abandoned and under attack by Dwarves!  After receiving some coin and a long drawn out tale from the Elven king about their water drying up, you're on your way to find out why.  You fight your way through the World Tree on your way to stop the Evil One.  This game, for me at least, was addicting and very frustrating.  But I had to keep going!  I had to find the wing boots!  I had to find that new sword!  I had to learn the next mantra from the overly-effeminate guru!  Those mantra's were your save point.  They were freakishly long and if you didn't write it down, you'd have to start all over again.  Ahhh, the anger and violence those NES consoles took...

Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!!
With Mario as your referee, Doc in your corner spouting off how you should subscribe to Nintendo Power, and a parade of goofy and memorable giant opponents, you as Little Mac fought your way through 10 fighters to gain three belts and face off against Mike "One Punch and You Lose" Tyson.  Your opponents each had their own unique fighting styles that could easily be learned and almost as easily be defeated.  That is, until you got to Tyson.  By then you were so excited and nervous, you'd dodge to soon and the next thing you knew, you were on the mat.  From Glass Joe, King Hippo and Bald Bull to Don Flamenco, Soda Popinski and Super Macho Man, this game was full of blatant stereotypes, 8 bit musical genius, and a classic underdog story.  007-373-5963!

Zelda II: The Adventure of Link
Ahh, that golden cartridge.  Still held as one of the greatest games Nintendo ever produced.  To this day, Nintendo is still putting out Zelda titles.  But for me, this is the one that sent it to it's legendary status.  With a world that seemed endless and a story that was so engrossing, you had to keep playing, The Legend of Zelda took you into the land of Hyrule and sent you on a quest to restore six crystals to six different palaces. Ultimately ending with Link facing his shadowy doppelganger and receiving the Triforce of Courage to awaken the sleeping Zelda.  This was a game, that if your brother somehow erased your save file, no court in the country would find you guilty for the type of beating that you had to administer.

I could go on.  But there were so many games that I wasted so many hours on, we'd be here for days.  But here's just a quick list of a few more:
Captain Skyhawk
Skate or Die!
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Super Mario Bros 1-3

If you can get your hands on this console, I recommend it.  Even with my PS3 or X-Box, I still find myself going back to this system for games and memories that were  Once again, thanks for indulging me through my inane ramblings and have a great one!


Saturday, July 21, 2012

Greetings geeks!  I am here to clog your blog.  So let's jump right in, shall we?

Odds are, you're a superhero fan.  Am I right?  Good!  So am I!  Who knew we would have so much in common?  Recently we've had a resurgence of superhero movies.  The good, the great... and then there's the...well, not so good.  Talking about the good and great is boring.  So!  To the bad we go.  In fact, I'm gonna give you the Top 5.  My Top 5.  The Top 5 worst superhero/villain...ACTORS!  I expect some disagreement.  ;)  I won't go into a long drawn out reason as to why these are picked, but if you'd really like to know, send me a line.  I'm always open for a lively discussion.  And here...we...go.

Number 5:
The ENTIRE cast of the Fantastic Four.
The only thing that could be more embarrassing than actually having watched this movie?  Having been in it.

Number 4:
Kelsey Grammer as Beast.  X-Men's biggest fault?  Making this third film.  Sorry Frasier.  Wrong place at the wrong time.

Number 3:
Danny Devito as The Penguin.  Mm-hm.  Nothing like a raw fish eating, nose biting, black drool slobbering, freak show of a penguin.  I always thought he was more of a high-class, socialite type villain.  But hey!  What do I know?

Number 2:
Ben Affleck as Daredevil.  I will give you a reason here.  My reason?'s Ben Affleck.

Number 1:
There is no other choice for the number one position.  The fact that this actor himself hates this movie and the role he played, speaks volumes.  The entire movie was laced with puns, cheesy dialogue, flimsy plot lines, frosted codpieces and bat-nipples.  The fact that this film didn't completely kill the franchise AND this actors career, is a miracle in itself.  So, ladies and gentlemen, here he is in all his bat-glory.  George Clooney as Batman.

So there we go geeks and geekettes!  It's a quick introductory blog, but I hope you enjoyed it and I look forward to continue cloggin' your blog!


Saturday, July 7, 2012

My favorite non geek movies.

                                                   My Fave Non-Geek Movies

hey this is Troy host of 28 Geeks Later, and I thought I would post some of my favorite movies that aren't exactly what you would consider geeky, look at me branching out. So in no particular order here is my list.

#10- The Art of Getting By.  I really enjoyed this movie (and I think I'm the only one who did) I was in the theater by myself yelling at the screen "This was me!". This was the story of my senior year, it was eerie.

#9- Oscar. This by far is not the most popular Sly Stallone movie but it's my favorite. He plays a gangster who promises his dying father to turn his life around.

#8-Mean Girls. This was a huge surprise and this was also before I knew the genius that is Tina Fey. It stars Lindsay Lohan (Pre crazy) and Rachel McAdams.

#7-Easy A. This was the movie that introduced me to Emma Stone and her funnies. This is such a clever, witty, honest movie. Plus it has a Uber Christ-y Amanda Bynes so that's good.

#6-The Prestige. Though every person in this movie has been in a superhero film, I don't think of this as a geek movie. It is about two feuding magicians in the turn of the century. And David Bowie man! Ziggy Stardust!

#5-Oceans 11. One of my favorite movies OF ALL TIME! It's got the Cloon it's got the Pitt, they play suave thieves pulling off a caper in Vegas! What else do you freaking need man?

#4-Maverick. Starring Mel Gibson (Pre Crazy) as Brett Maverick an old west card player/con man. Based on the classic TV show the movie is set in the old west and is centered around Mel's character trying to make it to a giant poker championship and the obstacles that keep getting in his way. It's very funny and very charming and manages to pull a solid performance out of Jodie Foster (which is the only thing that's ever been pulled out of Jodie Foster) HA! That's why I make the big bucks folks.

#3-Toy Story 2. Another of my all time faves, this film is why you go to the movies. Up to this point animated sequels never did as well as the first, Rescuers Down Under anyone? But this just blasts the first one into the dust much like Zurg did to Buzz in the opening sequence.

#2 Liar Liar. My all time favorite comedy. This is Jim Carrey at his peak, I don't think there is one scene in this movie that wasn't chewed on and spit out by him. Then at the end of the credits they give you a double dose with the bloopers (An original idea at the time)

#1 The Artist. I have said it before about this movie but it is shot for shot probably the most perfect movie I have ever seen. You feel for these characters and you go on the journey with them yet they never say a word. Brilliant.

Well there you have it, some of my all time favorite non-geek movies. Stay tuned to 28 Geeks Later to hear more of our favorites in movies, TV and pop culture, just head on over to iTunes and search 28  Geeks Later OR go to our website at You can also follow us on twitter @28geekslater of facebook at Thanks for reading and remember Boba Fett isn't as coo,l as you think.