Tuesday, May 15, 2012

28 Geeks Later Episode 2 is Doctor Batman

The newest episode is up and running! It features a little talk about Walking Dead and a whole lot of talk about Batman from our resident Batman expert Ryan a.k.a Doctor Batman. http://archive.org/details/28GeeksLater-Episode2
If that isn't enough I think there is also a brief mention of monkeys

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Go see Avengers! It's pretty simple folks, if you are looking for a great time at the movies, and something that will hold on to you and not let go like a rabid pit bull, go see The Avengers. You will not have more fun at the movies this year.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Hello World!

Finished Recording today, hopefully we should have our podcast up and running very soon.  I personally hope to have some video game blogs up by the end of the month.  Everything is still early stages, but I think we can expect to have a good amount of content in the near future.  We at 28 Geeks are very excited, and we hope some of you are too.  Stay classy San Diego